Jay Donlin

Managing Director

The most fulfilling part about being a consultant is working with our clients to make their world better. Whether the engagement is management consulting or some other strategic initiative, I am able to utilize my experience to help our clients realize the best outcome for their firm.

Jay Donlin has significant industry experience in both clearing and introducing firms.  He has led and worked on numerous projects throughout his career ranging from system conversions, data center relocations, acquisition due diligence and integrations, correspondent conversions, recruiting and expansion, and process re-engineering. Through his many years in executive leadership roles for both introducing and clearing firm operations, as well as his financial advisor roles, Jay brings a unique and extensive industry experience to the team.


  • Conversion project manager/lead, worked with a cross-functional team of associates to develop the ongoing operating models, as well as managing post-acquisition data conversion and integration projects. Worked with external consultants and the informational Systems Group in determining system configuration differences, resolution settings, and data mapping requirements. Advisor to operations units and business partners in developing and integrating processes and procedures in the consolidated environments. Participated in the due diligence process to assess the viability and profitability of acquiring investment firms.
  • Worked with external consultants and the internal Program Management Office, as a process analyst and advisor, in determining and recommending opportunities for quality, time and cost improvements throughout firm operations. Participated in the development of an Activity Based Costing model to support recommendations. Estimated cost savings and revenue opportunities were approximately $4 million per year.
  • Researched competitor product and technology offerings and presented findings to senior management. Made recommendations for improvement of firm offerings to increase competitiveness. Worked with senior management and an external market research firm in the development, execution and analysis of client segmentation surveys.
  • Provided sales and business development support to the correspondent clearing business through onsite sales presentations, client and prospect visits, and ongoing business development activities. Provided ongoing customer service to affiliated and unaffiliated correspondent clients.
  • Managed correspondent conversions including meeting all communications, training, operations, technology, and regulatory requirements; ensuring that each new client experiences a smooth transition to the new platform.
  • Decision maker who provided direction when President and CEO were not available. Addressed strategic needs and direction. Negotiated terms and pricing of internal and external contracts and agreements.
  • Worked with President and Chief Business Development Officer to expand through recruiting experienced Investment Professionals, developing compensation and transition packages for new associates. Worked to set up new locations, including vendor negotiations and contract administration.  Coordinated internal and external resources to transition the Investment Professional’s book of business efficiently, leading to overall client retention rate of over 80%.
  • Worked with a cross divisional team documenting system requirements and specifications to be used in the development of an enhanced internet client experience, including page design, system validation, and edits related to inquiry and trading activity. An internal consultant regarding operations functionality and development of the client support model.
  • Worked with Brokerage Operations, Information Systems, Marketing, and Retail Investment groups to integrate a premier Asset Management Account product, linking brokerage services with banking services, into the retail brokerage environment. This consisted of negotiating system requirements and service standards between all parties, as well as, development of operational processes to support the product.
  • Worked with external auditors in developing control procedures for the no-load mutual fund reconciliation process to satisfy regulatory requirements. Worked with Information Systems and business owners in assessing alternative systems/vendors to process mutual fund trades and reconciliation.
  • Coordinated user verification, testing and problem resolution during the mainframe conversion to BETA Service Bureau, and subsequent data center moves, for the Brokerage Operations Group. Worked closely with Information Systems and BETA Systems in determining system deficiencies and resolution prior to conversion and moves. Information systems liaison regarding system deficiencies, production problems, and enhancement requests.

Career Highlights

  • Chief Operating Officer, Capitol Securities Management, Inc.
  • Managing Director, Clearview Correspondent Services, LLC/BB&T Scott & Stringfellow
  • SVP & Chief Operating Officer, Anderson & Strudwick, Inc.
  • Director of Operations, Independent Brokerage, Wachovia Securities, Inc.
  • Manager, First Clearing Corporation