Frank Childress


Our clients enjoy a deep bench of industry professionals, collaborating well to provide thoughtful, common-sense solutions.

Frank Childress is an engaged and respected Financial Services professional with over 35 years of industry experience. He has extensive expertise in Equity and Fixed Income Trading, Equity Market Structure, and Capital Markets Products for retail distribution. Before working with Oyster, Frank was Managing Director – Capital Markets Trading, for Wells Fargo Advisors, with responsibility for equities, options, and futures trading, supporting retail advisors. Prior to the Wachovia/Wells Fargo mergers, Frank served as the Director of Nasdaq Trading for A.G. Edwards, Inc.,  and managed the agency trading and market making platforms supporting both retail and institutional clients.


  • Since joining Oyster, Frank has consulted on engagements relating to: Best Execution, Capital Markets Supervision and Surveillance, Reg Sho, Market Access, the Volcker Rule, Order Management System selection, Trade Reporting, Expert Witness, and Low-Priced Securities.
  • Managed team of 60 trading professionals responsible for the trading and execution of equities, options, and futures for retail brokerage platform with 14,000 financial advisors, 60 correspondent clearing firms, managed account execution, and online brokerage
  • Managed the Capital Markets Services Group responsible for the commitment committee process and distribution of all capital markets products to the retail platform (IPOs, Follow Ons, Structured Products, Market Linked Investments, Closed End Funds, Alternative Products).
  • Chairman of Best Execution Committee overseeing execution platform and processes for achieving industry leading execution quality for clients for fixed income, equities, and options.
  • Senior leader, representing trading, in the successful integration of two leading “Regional” broker-dealers to become the third largest, bank affiliated retail wirehouse.
  • Served on the Product Committee for review and approval of all new products and services introduced to the retail brokerage platform (including lending, capital markets, advisory, alternative products, exchange traded products, compensation and commission schedules, etc.)
  • Managed the Nasdaq Trading Desk supporting both retail advisors and clients with an “Agency” execution desk as well as the firm’s Research and Capital Markets effort with a Market Making Desk, making markets in over 300 Nasdaq securities.

Career Highlights

  • Managing Director – Capital Markets Trading, Equity Services | Capital Markets Services, Wells Fargo Advisors
  • Director of Nasdaq Trading – A.G. Edwards, Inc
  • Taxable Fixed Income Manager and Trader – A.G. Edwards, Inc